Drop Off and Pick Up

Morning Drop Off:
Afternoon Pick Up:
Extended Day:
- All first graders enter Baker School through Door 21 (near the Multi-Purpose Room and garden).
- If students arrive between 7:30 AM and 7:50 AM, they can go directly to the cafeteria.
- No one is permitted in the hallways, on the bridge, at the lockers, in the bathrooms, or in the extended day area before 7:50 AM.
- As with all of the elementary grades, the first grade work day begins promptly at 8:00 AM. It is important that your child arrives on time each day, as morning work time begins right away.
- The teacher will meet 1D outside at our designated meeting spot between 7:55 and 8:00. There will be Baker School staff available to guide students to their classroom if they arrive by 8:05. After 8:05, students should enter through the main door by the circle and sign in.
Afternoon Pick Up:
- The children are dismissed Monday-Thursday at 2:30 PM and Friday at 1:40 PM.
- Students will come outside to our designated meeting spot with their class at 2:30 or 1:40. They must say goodbye to the teacher and point out their grown up before being dismissed.
- If a designated adult is not present at the meeting spot after 2:35 PM or 1:45 PM on Fridays, your child will go directly to the office. An adult will escort them there. You can pick them up from the main office. You will need to come inside and let Mrs. Barrett, Ms. Castellano, or Ms. Doble know you are there to take them.
- If a sibling who currently attends Baker School is picking up your child, please see me/email me so that we can craft a pickup plan.
- Your child’s safety is paramount. If there are any changes concerning how your child is getting home, please email me at least one day in advance, send a note with him or her that morning, or (for a last minute change only) call the front office. Please do not email changes during the school day in question, as I am typically not able to check during the day.
Extended Day:
- Children who attend the extended day program will be picked up by a staff member at the very beginning of the year to ensure they know the way. After the first two weeks of school, they will walk to the extended day room themselves upon dismissal.
- Any student unfamiliar with the route will be assigned a buddy to show him or her the way.
- Please keep me abreast of any changes to your child's extended day schedule. It is vital that I know your plans to ensure your child's safety each afternoon.
- If your child is not attending the extended day program on one of his/her regularly scheduled day, be sure to contact the extended day program to let them know.
- Extended day can be reached at 617-323-6661.
- The extended day website is http://bsed.org.